MARCH 18-19, 2025 | SAN ANTONIO, TX





  • OpMed is ON! Click Here for More.

    DSI will hold the Operational Medicine Symposium (OPMED) as scheduled on March 18–19, featuring military medical speakers, participants, and attendees. While the February 26 Executive Order limiting the use of GSA Travel Cards may affect some attendees, it will not impact the overall program. The majority of participants are based in the San Antonio health market.

    We look forward to welcoming you to OPMED 2025 as we work to enhance medical readiness and strengthen military medical care in support of the DoD’s core warfighting mission.

    As a reminder, OPMED is a no-cost-to-government event. All active-duty military personnel, civilians, and federal government employees are eligible to attend at no charge. 

    Updated: March 10. 2025

The 7th Annual Operational Medicine Symposium (OpMed) is a professional military education event. OPMED bring together military senior medical officials, clinicians, government leaders, and solution providers. OpMed offers the unique opportunity to learn, network and engage with military medical professionals in an information driven, networking focused environment.

OPMED is a no cost to government event, and active duty US military and government attend free.

The 2025 education event is designed to meet the educational needs of physicians, advanced practice providers (NPs and PAs), and nurses involved in military medical and battlefield care. Topics also include improving health care service for U.S. military personnel and driving forward cutting edge innovations in combat casualty care. 


LTG (Ret) Dr. Ronald J. Place

Former Director, DHA,

President and CEO of Avera McKennan Hospital & University Health Center 

Dr. Poonam L. Alaigh Former Acting Under Secretary of Health, Department of Veterans Affairs President and CEO of Alaigh Care Associates

Lt Col Thomas Weme, RNoAF

Chief, Royal Norwegian Air Force Medical Corps, Flight Surgeon/ Orthopedic Surgeon

MG Lisa Hou, USA, DO

Director, Office of the Joint Surgeon General, National Guard Bureau

RADM Pam Miller, MSN, DO, USN

Medical Officer of the U.S. Marine Corps, Director of Health Services, HQ USMC; Vice Chief, BUMED, Reserve Policy and Integration 

MG Darrin Cox, USA, MD

Commanding General, 18th Medical Command

Maj Gen Tom Harrell, MD, USAF

Director, Defense Health Network Central Commander, Medical Readiness Alpha

Brig Gen John Andrus, USAF, MD

Joint Staff Surgeon

BrigGen Jim Parry, USAF

Air National Guard Assistant to Medical Readiness Command Bravo, Office of the Surgeon General, HQAF

COL (Ret) John Detro

 PA, Former Command Surgeon, USSOCOM; Adjunct Professor, University of Tampa 

Dr. Jonathan B. Clark, CAPT USN (Ret)

Clinical Professor, Neurology and Space Medicine, Center for Space Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine 

BG Kathleen Clary, BSN, MN, MSS, DNP, USA

Deputy Commanding General, 3D Theater Medical Command


Defense Strategies Institute's 7th Annual Operational Medicine Symposium & Technology Showcase will bring together senior leaders across DoD, federal government, academia, and industry to explore how to maximize healthcare from point of injury to en route care to facility based treatment, whether on land, sea, air, or space.


To prepare for a shift in the global security environment, the United States is prioritizing the need to be ready to respond to large scale combat operations between peer or near peer adversaries that could result in a large number of casualties, denied evacuation routes, limited transportation options, and strained medical resources. This year’s Operational Medicine Symposium will explore how to sustain life at the point of injury, prolong field care, extend the golden hour, treat burns, optimize human performance, and prevent and treat infectious diseases to ensure maximum survivability for warfighters and civilians. Speakers will also cover topics such as space medicine, special operations forces combat medicine, and the role of allies and partners in strengthening medical capabilities and response.


Attendees at the 2025 Symposium will have the opportunity to hear from and engage with senior leaders across the community as to how the Military Health System is evolving healthcare and medical capabilities to stay ahead of adversaries. Join 1,000 participants at this premier event to engage with top medical experts, practitioners, and clinicians from across the military medical community.


  • Coordinating All Joint Force Military Health Services to Optimize Operational Medicine, Force Health Protection, and Force Readiness
  • Designing the Future of Army Medical Capabilities to be Responsive, Ready, and Reliable 
  • Optimizing Agile and Innovative Medical Care for Contested Operations
  • Advancing Burn Care, Treatment, and Prevention for Combat and Disaster Scenarios
  • Training and Education Resources and Initiatives to Advance Operational Medical Care
  • Bridging Civilian and Military Care: Enhancing Operational Medicine with National Guard and Reserve Forces
  • Strength in Numbers: Advancing Partnerships and Alliances to Boost Medical Readiness and Responsiveness
  • Modern Medicine in Space: Delivering Healthcare Capabilities in Space


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